Courseleaf Implementation Projects

The University System of New Hampshire has partnered with Leepfrog Technologies to implement a comprehensive Catalog, Curriculum 和 Scheduling Management System called CourseLeaf.  Since 2017, UNH has been successfully using CourseLeaf 目录(CAT), 和 improved many associated processes. The two additional new modules Section Scheduler (cls) 和 课程(CIM) will modernize 和 streamline paper based class scheduling 和 curriculum management (program 和 course changes) processes.

This page is intended to provide general information 和 updates about the progress of the implementations. 问题? 联系 克里斯汀, Assistant 注册商 Catalog & Communications, Project Manager.

Section Scheduler (cls)

 秋天 2022 - Go Live




大学 & 部门
Current State Process Captures

11月 Project Orientation w/CourseLeaf



Business Requirements
2月 CourseLeaf Builds Baseline
3月到6月 Configuration/Customizations
7 - 8月 Active Development
9月-10月 User Acceptance Testing
10月下旬 上线
11月 用户培训
11月 秋天 2023 - 课程安排 Build Begins


学习 More 永利app新版本官网地址 cls

Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM)

 Go Live - Monday, 12月4日, 2023

CIM Go Live Information & 培训网页

Implementation Timeline 概述


4 - 6月


大学/Dept/Program Offices
Current State Process Captures

五月 Project Orientation w/CourseLeaf
6 - Business Requirements
7 - 8月 过程审核
8月-9月 CourseLeaf Builds Baseline 形式
10月11 - 12 Consultation/Form Customizations Identified
11月-12月 Active Development/CourseLeaf Builds Form Customizations



User Acceptance Testing
Banner Bridge Configuration


Final QA 和 Move to Production Environments

11月 Training (virtual/recorded)
12月4日 Go Live - CIM opens for proposals


Past project Updates

学习 More 永利app新版本官网地址 CIM

新的CIM表单 & 工作流

  • 课程形式 (propose new, modify or deactivate existing courses)
    • Integrated w/Course form:
      • Discovery Program Course Proposal
      • General Education Course Proposal (CPSO)
      • Honors Course Proposal
      • Writing Intensive Course Proposal
  • 程序的形式 (propose new, modify or deactivate existing programs)
    • Integrated w/Program form:
      • Accelerated Master's Requests
  • Miscellaneous 形式:
    • Academic Program Review (5yr/10yr)
    • Course Attribute Request
    • Course Special Fee Request
    • 部门 Request
    • Pausing Program 招生
    • Subject Prefix Request

Course Data Reviews Completed

  • Prerequisites (Coded for 秋天 2023)
  • Equivalents (Coded for 秋天 2023)
  • Mutually Exclusive (Coded for 秋天 2023)
  • Attributes (Coded for 秋天 2023)
  • Instructional Method (Coded for 秋天 2023)
  • Schedule Type (Coded for 秋天 2024)